
Saturday, January 2, 2021

Create an abstract class "Parent" with a method ";message". It has two subclasses each having a method with the same name "message" that prints "This is first subclass" and "This is second subclass" respectively. Call the methods "message" by creating an object for each subclass. Override java classis..

First, we create an abstract class called "Parent" with an abstract method called "message". The "abstract" keyword before the class and method means that they cannot be instantiated directly, but must be subclassed and implemented. In this case, any subclass of "Parent" must implement the "message" method.

abstract class Parent {

    public abstract void message();


Next, we create two subclasses of "Parent" called "FirstSubclass" and "SecondSubclass". Both of these classes extend the "Parent" class and implement the "message" method. The implementation of the "message" method is different for each subclass - the first prints "This is first subclass", and the second prints "This is second subclass".


class FirstSubclass extends Parent {

    public void message() {

        System.out.println("This is first subclass");




class SecondSubclass extends Parent {

    public void message() {

        System.out.println("This is second subclass");



Finally, we create a "Main" class with a "main" method. In this method, we create objects of both subclasses using the "Parent" class as the reference type. This allows us to call the "message" method of both subclasses using the same reference type. We then call the "message" method on each object, which prints the message specific to each subclass.


public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Parent obj1 = new FirstSubclass();

        Parent obj2 = new SecondSubclass();






When we run the "Main" class, the output will be:

This is first subclass

This is second subclass


This demonstrates the concept of polymorphism in object-oriented programming, where different objects can have different behaviors even though they are accessed through the same reference type.

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