
Friday, December 25, 2020

Create a class to print an integer and a character with two methods having the same name but different sequence of the integer and the character parameters.

Here's a class named "PrintIntegerChar" which contains two methods with the same name "print()" but with different sequence of the integer and character parameters:


Here is the code to implement the scenario described

Source Code..


public class PrintIntegerChar {


    // Method to print an integer and a character

    public void print(int num, char ch) {

        System.out.println("Integer: " + num + ", Character: " + ch);



    // Method to print a character and an integer

    public void print(char ch, int num) {

        System.out.println("Character: " + ch + ", Integer: " + num);



    // Main method to test the class

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        PrintIntegerChar obj = new PrintIntegerChar();

        obj.print(10, 'A');

        obj.print('B', 20);



Code Explanation:

In this code, we define a class named "PrintIntegerChar" which contains two methods with the same name "print()" but with different sequence of the integer and character parameters. The first method takes an integer parameter followed by a character parameter, and the second method takes a character parameter followed by an integer parameter.


To test the class, we create an object of the class and call each method with different values. In the main method, we call "print()" with an integer and a character parameter, and we also call "print()" with a character and an integer parameter.


When we run the code, we should see the following output:



Copy code

Integer: 10, Character: A

Character: B, Integer: 20

This example demonstrates how we can define multiple methods with the same name but with different parameter sequence in Java using method overloading. This allows us to write more concise and readable code by avoiding the need to use different method names for similar functionality.


The concept used in this code is method overloading, which allows us to define multiple methods with the same name but with different parameters. In this case, we have two methods with the same name "print()", but with different sequence of the integer and character parameters. This makes the code more concise and readable, as we can use the same method name for different functionality based on the parameter types and sequence.



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