
Monday, December 28, 2020

Using the command line arguments, you are required to pass 5 numbers and print their sum. (Perform typecasting) in java.

In Java, typecasting is the process of converting a variable of one data type to another data type. It is required when we need to assign a value of one data type to a variable of another data type. For example, if we have a variable of type int and we need to assign a value of type double to it, we need to perform typecasting. 

In the program mentioned, we are using command line arguments to pass 5 numbers as input, which are initially in the form of strings. To perform arithmetic operations, we need to convert these strings to their respective numeric data types. Here is the code that demonstrates this:

Here's the program to solve the problem as described:

Source Code..

public class CommandLineArguments {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int sum = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {

            int num = Integer.parseInt(args[i]);

            sum += num;


        System.out.println("Sum of the numbers is: " + sum);




In this code, we have created a main method that takes an array of strings as input. We have initialized a variable called sum to 0, which will store the sum of the numbers passed as input.

We are using a for loop to iterate through the array of command line arguments. Inside the loop, we are using the Integer.parseInt method to convert each argument from a string to an integer. This is an example of typecasting, as we are converting a string data type to an integer data type.

Once we have converted the argument to an integer, we add it to the sum variable. After the loop is complete, we print the sum of the numbers.

In summary, typecasting is the process of converting a variable of one data type to another data type. In this program, we are using typecasting to convert command line arguments from strings to integers, so that we can perform arithmetic operations on them

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